Some text some message..


January 2017

Solo exhibition, 10-23 January

Vertical rooms. 

 “The unconscious is the inexpressible ocean, of all that has been expelled from the land of the language, removed as a result of an ancient prohibition” 
 (Quote by Italo Calvino) 

 When for the first time I saw the work of Bruno Biondi I felt an emotional shock, a kind of primal empathy, enucleated spontaneously and simply observing the works. The feeling was immediately confirmed after talking directly with the artist: thoughtful, deep, from the impenetrable gaze. How art can be miraculous it is unfathomable, but it is certain that I have always felt it was deeply as possible, truthfully and above all necessary. Being able to exorcise their inner fears , their ghosts unconscious, his own emotional and psychological tensions ; pulling them out with the help of creativity is possible. Bruno Biondi, in my opinion, is able to do all this in his paintings: impactful, intense and full of moods ranging from the grim darkness of the soul - of the most hidden part of our unconscious - until intent yearning of wanting to bring in that light which too often has been turned off by the events of life. Often the hues of grays and blacks are the “masters“ in the works of Bruno Biondi while light colors are reflected less present, but “THEY ARE,“ there are... and they want to be heard; want to emerge, submerge the spectator who watches dazzled, intrigued, but still feel faint and weak in some cases. Marks etched or drawn and painted horizontally dominate but much more vertically; galls the wooden table, sink their mark on the canvas and show themselves to us almost like scars of the soul; as portals that according to a virtual three-dimensional aim to bring in all that is “BEYOND.” 
Artwork chosen for the Communication of the Solo exhibition - January 2017
Three Vertical Concepts - 90x90 cm - 2015

Reviews - The Map Of Art In Italy
Live Milan - Corriere della Sera insert
Critical text of Bruno Biondi‘s Solo exhibition curated
by Massimiliano Bisazza - January 2017
STATUTO 13 Gallery - 13 Statuto St. Milan
Brera District
